New Member Unlimited Promo - Save $100
Try us out for a month unlimited and attend as many classes as you like.
No long term commitment required.
Unlimited Membership
Gain access to as many classes as you like each month.
No minimum commitment.
$315+hst per month
3x Week Membership
Attend 3 classes/wk or 13 in a month.
No minimum commitment.
$290+hst per month
*All memberships are set to auto-renew each month unless cancelled. Please give us 48-hour notice to cancel before your next bill. There is no cancellation fee!
No refunds will be given for unused portions of a monthly membership if cancelled partially through that month.
Memberships can be placed on hold for up to 4 weeks of the year. Holds must be 5 consecutive days or more. Holds any day thereafter are subject to a $3/day charge.